Terms of Use

The following are the Terms and Conditions for the use of the myMCom Portfolio Platform. Please read them carefully. As a condition of your use of the platform you agree that you will abide by all applicable University rules, regulations and Student Code Policy
You agree to use the myMCom Portfolio Platform only for lawful purposes and in a lawful way. The myMCom Portfolio Platform is offered conditionally on acceptance of these terms and conditions. 


As a condition of your use of the myMCom Portfolio Platform you agree that you will abide by all applicable University rules, regulations and Code of Conduct, and all state and commonwealth laws and regulations. You are solely responsible for all acts or omissions that occur under your log in. By way of example, and not as a limitation, YOU AGREE NOT TO: 

  • Interfere with the platform; 
  • Attempt to gain unauthorised access to other students’ or employees’ information; 
  • Amend, change or in any way alter any material on the myMCom platform, other than your own profile, group and portfolio information. 
  • Use the myMCom Portfolio Platform wrongfully or illegally 

Students’ attention is specifically drawn to the University’s Student Conduct Policy, and the Acceptable Use of UNSW ICT Resources Policy. 

Log in and Security

  • The platform uses the University’s Single Sign On, which means your zID and zPass are used to access the platform. 
  • You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your zPass. 
  • You are entirely responsible for any and all activities that occur under your zPass. 
  • You agree to notify the University immediately of any unauthorised use of your zPass, or any other breach of security.


If, in the University’s reasonable opinion, you breach any of these terms or conditions, the University may: 

  • Suspend your access to the myMCom Portfolio Platform; 
  • Initiate disciplinary action against students under the University’s Student Conduct Policy
  • Initiate criminal prosecution where there is evidence of contravention of State or Commonwealth criminal laws. 

Modification to Terms, Conditions or Policies

The University reserves the right to change terms, conditions or policies regarding access to and use of the myMCom Portfolio Platform at any time. Continued use of the myMCom Portfolio Platform after any such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes. 

Privacy Statement

Personal information collected at the University of New South Wales (“UNSW”) through UNSW websites is handled in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) (“the Act”). This UNSW Websites Privacy Statement describes the ways in which UNSW deals with personal information and other data collected through UNSW websites. 

You can read more about UNSW’s Privacy Policy here: https://www.unsw.edu.au/privacy